Long time no se

So, it’s been a while since I wrote. Obviously I can’t cover it all in one post. My computer broke thanks to some ass who, during my Ib exam knocked my bag off the table. I found a place to stay, turns out it was a nanny job but the kids are old and bratty af but that’s another post. Today I want to talk about the idiots at the airport. I just came back from a quick trip to togo. I had a blast but holy shit the airport was hell. You know when the little video plays about safety? They should go over plane etiquette. Like, If you are like the bald dude sitting in the window seat, if you know that you need to go to the bathroom like your bladder is the size of a quarter then you need to reserve a fucking isle seat. I’m not gunna give you mine no matter how much you hint at it. I requested this fucking seat a month ago. This dude got up four times within the first 50 min of this fucking 11 hour flight. As soon as I walk up to my seat he’s sitting there and quietly I’m like “uh this is my seat…” he (way too cheery for 3 am) jitters about how I’m lucky to have this seat and he gets up and scooches over the woman in the middle to get to his seat. Then before everyone is even in their seat he pushes the button to call over a stewardess and when he asks her for a glass of water I see in her face just the pure look of

“oh shit another one of these fuckers, today is going to be long.”

Eventually the dude calmed down and didn’t mess around too much the second half of the flight. However at one point he looks up and is like…

“Oh I’m in the wrong row..” Fucking great all of this could have been avoided.

Also! Those people who take up BOTH arm rests! like do you realize we each get 1! ONE! that’s it for the whole fucking 11 hour flight. stop being an ass, cmon.

Also, you people who work at airports. Okay take a deep breath guys…when people have just been on a long ass flight its like if we smoked like a bunch of tree and then were thrown into a washing machine, we don’t know which way is up. We are TIRED! we’re all scrambling around looking for passports and keeping tickets straight and most of us just came from different countries with different accents. When we step off that plane and you start asking us question at a hundred words a minute we don’t know what the fuck we’re saying.

“Ma’am has anyone put anything in your bag?”

“uhh…yeah..I mean no” Dude I don’t fucking know, I hope not….wait if I say no am I going to end up taking full responsibility if there are drugs in here? Can I ask? PRobably not…

I remember a few years ago I landed in New York and couldn’t understand a single thing…are they speaking english? is it possible to be this tired? was I drugged?


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