Things I think/ talk about on my way to work

My poor poor boyfriend…Sometimes he is nice enough to drive me to work when it’s too hard for my lazy ass to get on a bus. I have been having trouble coming up with something to post about and I though it might be funny to maybe write about the things Sawyer has to listen to much too often.

“It’s so goddamn cold out, why do I have to go to work. It’s so cold why the fuck do I live in Minnesota, I could have lived in mother fucking AFRICA and I choose to live in the North Pole.”

“Sawyer, could you turn the heat up?? GOSH!”

***two blocks later***

“Oh my gosh the heat is blowing into my face! Turn it down,” *rolls window down* *Sawyer adjusts heat*

“Oh my gosh it’s so cold!”

*Sawyer rolls up window*

“That German School looks funny, why did they only modernize one half? I should have gone to an immersion school, I would get much better deals in college, everybody like bilingual students, I’m such an idiot. ”

“What do you think about Planned Parenthood?’

*Sawyer mumbles something not really knowing what to say*

“I think those videos are some bullshit, yeah abortions are sad, you’re killing a person, but it’s the womans choice for gosh sakes. If she’s going to hell for it why do you care? Plus isn’t over population a major issue? Bam! solution (in no way am i promoting abortions)”

“You know those videos where they go into planned parenthood and try to prove that they are evil…well guess what they only perform like 2 or 4 per cent of abortions! they provide millions of men and women with other sexual health for fucks sake. If we didn’t have this kind of medical the health of our nations would be fucked…or not fucked depending on how much self control you have. ”

“One of the videos they tried to show a nurse talking to a pimp and he was asking questions about giving abortions to like 14 year old girls and the nurse was answering all of his questions..he proceed to ask more questions similar to that one making it really obvious that he was selling 14 year old girl prostitutes. That is not the job of the people who work at planned parenthood! Their job is to help young women with sexual health! What was she supposed to do?? deny him? force those girls to give birth at 14 and raise the kid as a prostitute?? or maybe he would force them to have an illegal abortion putting the 14 year old girls in so much fucking danger! Her job is not to deal with pimps, that’s the job of the police…maybe she should have called the cops on the dude…maybe she did but that’s a personal and ethical call!”

“You religious people saying that they are gods children,that they are killing a life…why do you fucking care? Just like gay marriage? You believe they going to hell…lucky you cuz if you in heaven and they are in hell you don’t gotta deal with them!”

“Haha how did I get on this topic…? Can we get a slushy…?”

“Please Sawyer…please please please please…”

“Fine.” *sits in angry silence for a few minutes.

“Turn left here”

“You know what I hate about this song (Perfect for you by One Direction)? Its stupid. They are literally describing what every human on the planet fucking wants..and probably a few aliens as well. Who doesn’t wanna cause trouble in hotel rooms?? And who the hell thinks driving at midnight with the windows down isn’t fun…they obviously have never been driven by anyone besides their parents because that is the shit. I hate when people do know? Like write something about something so broad that it could be about anyone? c’mon be specific! make the song mean something to someone….that’s what’s wrong with twilight….like who the fuck is Bella? Any fucking girl you want her to be . No.Personality.”

“I want ice cream, I don’t have any money”

“Bye, Sawyer thanks for the ride <3”





I really want a milky way bar

“There’ll be a smile in my face in the catalog and it would be just like you were never gone, there’ll be a key under the mat and a light in the hall if you ever come back.”- just the song playing on the radio right now.

I don’t like being so frustrated all the time, it makes me so cynical. Waiting for the bus today I realized just how..idk harsh …sarcastic? dark? haha idk since my family left…Today I made an effort to try and be a little nicer than usual..but after a history class trivia game with the most goddamn competitive girl on the planet I was feeling pretty pissy. Whatever, I’ll just like retrieve back into my shell and hide from the world and continue mumbling cruel jokes.

Then on the bus ride to work I sat next to a Somalian woman looking through some papers. I had my headphones in listening to music too embarrassing to write about. She tapped my shoulder and I leaned over the aisle. She mumbled something and pointed to a picture of some knives, forks and spoons. I looked over and said

“Silverware” she repeated it a few times and then pointed to another picture of a saucer. I told her what that was and she struggled but was finally able to pronounce it. We continued like that for the rest of my bus ride. Once I got to work I was in such a better mood. That was pretty cool helping someone learn something on the bus.

Well right now I have a lot of homework but I would much rather write out this post. I was thinking about doing a ranty shitty post but actually I wasn’t as angry as I thought I would have been.

Now to bullshitting about Yeats poetry. woo hoo.




What Actually Happened on Valentines Day

Sorry guys this post won’t be any better than my last vday blog, turns out that sheer exhaustion from the exam made me sick and it wasn’t just a three day thing..nope going on day four. fml. I did everything I could to get healthy by today but that didn’t work. I struggled to get out of bed and put on a cute skirt and cozy tights with a cute sweater.

I layered on the makeup…omg so much makeup to cover up the red splotches and mascara and eyeliner to hide my red eyes. yuck. Sawyer walks in the door and I give him a big hug, he hands me flowers ❤ how cute, and we start baking together…about 25 minutes in I’m clawing at my face…yell a little bit…then storm into my room.

After washing off all the crap on my face and trading in my outfit for leggings and a sweatshirt I head out to the kitchen again. Sawyer does his best to hide his grin. Bless his soul.

After baking (what apparently was a delicious banana bread, I couldn’t smell or taste for shit) a yummy banana bread we headed downstairs and put on Star Wars. I Immediately pass out and sleep throughout the entire movie. When I wake up we had started the second movie…wow. Sawyer is such a sweetheart, he was cuddling me and getting me whatever I needed, telling me I’m still beautiful (what a little liar).

He is outside now warming up the car to go get Chinese takeout. Let’s hope I make it to the restaurant without passing out!


❤ Happy Valentines day everyone!

What do you do When You’re In Love With A Sloth?

tumblr_lz24k8pIsr1qksqzko1_1280George the Chinchilla had a question for Lucy the Chinchilla.

“What do you do when you’re in love with a sloth?”

He built up his courage and called her over to the side of the big cage at the Minnesota Zoo. Sloth the Sloth was dozing on the other end of the cage.

“Lucy” George whispered, “I have to tell you something, valentines day is coming up and I know who I want to be my valentines.”


“But it’s supposed to be me,” Lucy squinted at George.

“Yes but…you know Sloth?” Whispered George.

“Well yes George I know Sloth we live with Sloth. Sloth the sloth has lived his whole life in this cage with us, Sloth the sloth is boring.” Lucy growled.

“Well yes Lucy, but…would it be okay if I asked Sloth to be my valentine? Would he like it?” George looked nervously at the ground.

“Would Sloth like it?  Sloth the Sloth over a cute chinchilla like me? Fine. Of Course Sloth would like the valentine go ask him yourself.” Lucy plopped down on the ground, paws crossed.

George cautiously crawled over to Sloth and handed him the Valentine he made for Sloth. Sloth sleepily smiled and picked up George where George fell asleep on Sloth the Sloth’s belly.

Valentines Day on a Budget…ew?

Laying in bed last night, instead of rehearsing my Spanish Oral IB I should have been which was this morning at 8 am I was thinking about how much my body hurt..from stress. About how my head hurt..from stress. How I should sleep so I can get up in time for my exam but I can’t sleep…from stress.

Then I remembered Valentines day was this week! Crap…

Okay, well considering I’m trying to get an apartment…I have no money.

Okay, okay so anything that costs money is out..I could make him a card…ugh no I do that all the time I need to do something special…What’s free? Here’s the answer…Nothing.


So here’s something…this is a really shitty blog post but I just had an IB exam so my brain is fried.

Anyways the plan for valentines day..

well we could go skating…that’s cute right? WRONG ITS FUCKING COLD

okay okay..I can afford McDonalds…How do I make that romantic..?

Okay, here’s how. So we can drive to a cute lake after a day of baking…free? kinda. Then we can head to a cute lake and have shitty food in the WARM car and watch the sunset.






The Adventures of this week

There was a lot of excitement this week. I decided to write this post because I’m sitting in the back of class with my feet up trying to ignore the fact that my ovaries feel like they are about to explode. Monday we had off yay! but you know how long weekends go:

Friday night: YAY! STAY UP ALL NIGHT DO STUPID SHIT it’s okay I have THREE whole days to feel better about it.




Monday afternoon: MEH I’LL DO IT LATER

Monday night: 0.0 FUCK DO A LOT OF HOMEWORK

Tuesday Morning: Coffee… need coffee…why did I do this…I need a day to recover from my weekend.

Teachers: Why are you tired? You had all weekend to relax? How did you not get the work done? You had three days!

Honestly right now I can’t even remember what I did all weekend, however it followed what I wrote above.

On Wednesday we had a huge snow storm however school was not cancelled 😦 I had to walk two miles to school in the four feet of snow! Past my fucking knees, nothing was plowed! NOTHING! My school didn’t even have the courtesy to start late, give people time to wake up get their shit together and shovel their sidewalks. Anyway, I show up to school soaked past the knees. I went to my one class on Wednesday and then spent the afternoon at a shitty skating rink with my friends. Despite the fact that I froze my toes off, it was pretty fun.

On our way back to school we found a street sign, you know the one’s that are at an intersection, pretty fucking huge. I mean that makes sense they have to be visible, never thought about how big they would be. WE saw one on the side of the road that was blown into a snow bank during the storm. Sunny, in the backseat ran out and grabbed it and jumped back in the car.

Once at school Evelyn (who owned the car and was driving) left us.

“You guys grabbed the sign, you guys can deal with it, I gotta go and I’m locking the car.”

Sunny and I stood there in the school parking lot like….wtf do we do now…We Immediately started yelling GUS!!!GUS! Gus came running over like wtf is wrong with you…looked in the car and…

“What have you done…” His face filled with…idk despair?

“Uh Gus we need you to drive us to my house so we can put the sign in my room…without people seeing…”

“Fine…but Kristin I’m not driving over here you gotta do the walk of shame…walk this thing across the damn parking lot”

Le ME…being the idiot that I am..”Okay unlock the car” As I say this I grab this giant ass thing in the freezing cold with bare hands and sprint down a snowbank and across the parking lot, as I’m running other students are yelling “WTF”  and other things but I just run with this giant ass thing, throw it in the back of the car and we all pile in. We are literally two blocks away and Sunny’s like…”we should put it back.” Fucking great all for nothing.

However, after school Sawyer picked me up and took me to get INKED! ❤



Sorry About the Tattoo Mom…

Dear mom,

I know you are not a fan of tattoos, I know you didn’t approve of my first one. I know you absolutely won’t approve of that fact that only 3 months later I’m getting ANOTHER one…and believe me I feel guilty, your approval is everything to me. I just want you to…before you get mad…to listen to me, even after you hear me out and you don’t like it…well I am really and truly sorry, but here’s the reason for it.

You are the most amazing person I know, you are who I want to be when I grow up. I miss you more than you could possibly know. I never thought being away from you could impact me so much, but it does. I don’t want you to feel bad, this was definitely the right decision but it’s tough. I need my mom. Octopuses (and yes that is the plural of octopus, I checked) are incredible creatures, they represent: Will, Focus, Magic, Illusion, Defense, Strategic, Potential, Creativity, Flexibility, Complexity, Intelligence, and Adaptability. Almost all of these represent you.

You are so creative, I remember a lot of your little drawings and all the funny poems and stories you made up for me when I was three and our car didn’t have a radio. I still and will always keep the little stuffed pooh bear that you and Kofi hid in the apartment a few years ago after I had had a really rough day. I came home and there were little clues hidden all over the apartment. When I found Pooh I almost cried and when I think of it it makes me tear up all over again. It was the best thing to come home to.

You are so Focused, Many teachers have commented to me how amazing you are at your job. You made a lot of people’s lives so much better and I can see it every day. I see it in the students you work with, you change people’s lives daily. You love your work. I hope I get that in my life. You have amazing will, you just fight through things and keep your head up for me and for everyone. It amazes me when I think about what you have done and been through, it’s incredible you are still who you are.

When I was a kid, you were Magical. Creating whole stories and worlds for me, Ms.Blue Lion, playing along with Baby Tigger, all of it. And you are so Intelligent! And you know how I know? because when there is something I don’t want to ask you it’s probably because I don’t want to know what the right thing to do is.

Flexibility and Adaptability go hand and hand here, I don’t think I need to even go into detail about this. You have lived in situations and been through things that only the most adaptable person could make it through, I am still working on this but being that you are my example I still got some ways to go.

Octopuses also die by guarding their young, they don’t leave their side even for food. You do anything and everything for Kofi and I.

The Potential part of this is for me, because I hope I have the privilege of being like you.

So I have this little tattoo of an octopus on my hand because I want you to be on my side, guiding my decisions…and since you can’t be here physically, I have you here spiritually.

So, I’m sorry please don’t be too angry.





Guts, Stupidity, and Senioritis


Okay so it’s no secret that I don’t learn the way school teaches, however I work my ass off! It takes me ten times as long to do an assignment as many of my friends and I’ve come to terms with that, it only took 5 years. Anyways all of this hard work didn’t make me immune to senioritis. I actually surprised myself, I thought I could make it to the end but it’s the last week of the first semester of senior year and I am just fucking done. What is the point of this homework, nothing. There is NO point in listening to 5, 10 minutes long Spanish recordings a week. Whatever, anyways I have just honestly given up. I can’t stand the teachers telling me what to do at all, and I love the teachers Idk what’s going on but it’s bringing up some funny situations.

For example, in Spanish (the same teacher who though I was whistling his ring tone) our teacher is pretty harsh, he’s funny but grades harshly and is a bit scary. The older you get the less scary he seems but you should see how the 7th graders act around him. During workshop one 7th grade boy was just fidgeting with a tool and Jose (the teacher) walks by and just says

“Hey what are you doing,” the kids face turns bright red and he runs off, head bowed.

Anyway he gives us a lot of homework and he makes us talk and it’s scary, no one likes it. He leaves the room for a second and Sunny and I jump into action, I tell her to lock the door while we build forts and make a school bus out of chairs. Everybody’s scurrying around the room, scared the crap out of their minds. The teacher comes back and attempts to open the door, and walks away.

Okay now everybody is dead silent and terrified the fuck out! CartoonImage result for scared baby gif

One student runs up and opens the door and we all sit silently waiting for him to come back. The end wasn’t that great but he walks in with the most terrifying smile and I think he decided to give us a final…



This is why Sam thinks we all do drugs

I just wanted to take a minute and talk about the intelligence of this generation.

There were multiple moments today that just showed how truly brilliant the students at my school are. I thought I could write them down.
Well my first class was spanish. For IB students, the kids in my spanish class are incredibly bad at spanish. Anyway, I’m sitting in the corner working
on something on my computer, probably reading a blog or writing a stupid short story, anyway I start whistling. Turns out it was the teachers ring tone
so me, totally obliviously, continue to whistle this tone that’s stuck in my head and the teacher keeps walking behind his desk to glance at his phone.
Wasn’t till the end of class that I noticed him.Anyway, just a funny way to start the day.

We had a community meeting (in case you don’t read my other posts I go to a hippy school, community meetings are a weekly event. ugh.) A couple of my friends stand up to talk about prom. I’m not all that into prom but my friends are, well I had this idea (my friend would tell you it was her idea,that’s a lie) to do luminescence. A prom made up of beautiful white lights and cute sparkler photos and fireworks and
Japanese lanterns to float on the water. Beautiful right?
Well at my school we’ve had this pattern of making our proms to be modeled after disasters. For example, two years ago we had titanic funny enough it was
on a boat. If you ask me that was tempting fate a little too much but whatever. Then last year it was Prompeii. Everything modeled after Pompeii with
boulders and lava everywhere. TBH it was pretty hideous. Only benefit was the volcano of donuts. The volcano was the main reason I went. It wasn’t as cool
as it sounds. Anyways the other idea for this years prom was to do PROMLANTIS. Yup an underwater prom. yuck. Anyways this was what most people voted for,
are you fucking kidding me? gross. I mean maybe for a spring fling or a sadies but no. The selling point for this was that the teachers would dress
like mermaids but even during the announcement the teachers said they never agreed to that.
This year our new principal Sam Johnson has been cracking down on the seniors this year about doing drugs…well this is why.

Also, today this girl…let’s call her Patrice. Patrice has this like passionate hate for one of my friends, Sunny (see? real hippy school). Whatever right?
I mean we all have people we can’t stand, like this girl Jenny who just never shuts up (I’ll rant about her in another post) but you don’t go out of your
way to let the person know, you know? Especially if you’re not friends with this person and we are NOT friends with Patrice. Today Sunny just made a comment
in class,
“Have you guys heard of the school Nova? On University?” and Patrice just jumps in,
“University?! Did you say Nova was a University?? Did she just say Nova was a University, haha like wth..” Eventually one of the girls sitting
next to her pointed out that Sunny said University as in the street…Embarrassing…plus why the hell would you go out of your way like that to yell at
someone who wasn’t even talking to you.
Image result for nobody asked you patrice
Even the teachers are getting sick of our shit though, like my english teacher is so sick of students asking her where her class is (and she is
the most sassy teacher I have ever met) the always puts up one hand and with the most fake smile says, check the schedele…and ..still smiling “I am so
sick of students asking me this I get asked this like 20 times a day..”
To end a perfectly stupid day one of the kids in my grade comes running up to me all panicked, he lost 120 dollars worth of molly XD how the hell
do you do that at school? Whatever.